Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Important Efusjon Announcement
As you should have heard by now from Corporate via their email / Nationwide Conference Call with CEO Rob Towles, I have been chosen along with Loren Middag to be the Master Distributor for Efusjon as we take this company around the country and begin to launch around the world in January 2010.
When my son and I joined this company on April 14th, 2009, at that time I thought I had looked at the most incredible business opportunity that I had ever seen. What many of you don’t know was that the day before we joined Efusjon, I had the privilege to sit down for 3 hours and meet with CEO and Founder Rob Towles at the St. Regis Resort. Upon leaving that meeting as we stood up, I shook Rob’s hand, looked him in the eye and told him, “You need to remember my name because I am committed to building a very successful Efusjon business that you are going to be very proud of.” Little did I know, 8 months later while meeting at the St. Regis again, that the owners of Efusjon would ask me to lead the entire Efusjon field. I want each and every one of you to know that I am humbled and honored by the faith that Rob Towles has put in me to lead every distributor that has joined Efusjon to this date and the hundreds of thousands that will join us in the years to come.
I want all of you to know that I will continue to build this business with the same energy, effort and integrity that I have used to build Team OC Global into one of the most powerful matrixes within the Efusjon family. Moving to the top of the matrix for the entire country, my goal will now be to build each leader up and encourage them the same way I have built up and encouraged each and every one of you as a part of Team OC Global.
In closing, this is truly a special day in my life as it is also the day that my son Steffin was born 27 years ago today. I now ask each and every one of you to unite with me as we make Efusjon the greatest opportunity that anyone has ever seen.
Very Sincerely,
Mike Rangel
Master Distributor -- Efusjon
Leader -- Team OC Global
Monday, December 7, 2009
November Top 30 / Efusjon Revolution
Hello efusjon Team,
We want to congratulate all of you on a wonderful month in November! The percentages for monthly payout can now be viewed each month by logging into your back office and clicking on Financials>Commission Detail. Here you will see the percentages under the “Additional Information” section.
Top 30 Bonus Pool
We would also like to congratulate the Top 30 Distributors in November who will be sharing the 3% Bonus Pool. For those of you who are striving to reach your goal of being part of the Top 30, we will be posting the #30 sales volume each month. For the month of November the lowest entry point was 36,570 in personal enrollee sales volume. This should give you a good idea of how to gauge yourself and what to strive for. If you are not sure how to find your personal enrollee sales volume, it is listed in the same section of your back office explained in the above paragaph. Here is the list of November's Top 30, ranked in order from #1 to #30:
Loren Middag
Adrian Vashon
Gaddim Enterprises
Tyson Lund
Energy Express
Todd Humpherys
Daniel Granderath
Shoogs, LLC
LTD Internet Associates, LLC
Madeline Reeder
Road to Freedom
Randall Hester
ADCO, Inc.
Palisade Ventures, Inc.
Partners of LTD, LLC
Vision Marketing
Bull Crusher 2
Sheri DeLuzio
Matrix 3
C and R Ventures
MRJ Ventures
Suzanne Edwards
Jackie Thompson
Plyo Man
Cone Unlimited LLC
IATIA Well, Inc.
Nancy Alcorn
Dave Pletti
Partners of Global Efusjon
efusjon Revolution 01.30.10
We are thrilled to see all of the signups coming in for the efusjon Revolution on January 30th! We are really looking forward to seeing and meeting all of you. If you haven’t had a chance to register yet, click here:
Just as a reminder, there is a clickable PDF on the signup confirmation page with information about hotel reservations. We encourage you to take some time to read through it.
Enjoy the rest of your day!
Dawn Snarr
Director of Marketing and Technology
Thursday, November 26, 2009
"Thanksgiving Gratitude" by Shana Carlsen
Thanksgiving Gratitude
It’s Thanksgiving and there’s something on my mind – and that’s GRATITUDE.
I have noticed a direct correlation between the amount of GRATITUDE I have during the day and how those days go.
I’ve also noticed that the more gratitude I have in my life, and the more I hang out with other people with lots of gratitude in their lives…
The better and more graceful my life is.
So with today being Thanksgiving couldn’t think of a better day to send this to you.
I know that I feel inspired reading it - and I think it might do the same thing for you…
Because I’m having an incredible day!
Filled with family and close friends, good food, lots of time spent hiking outdoors with our dogs, all the ingredients for my perfect day.
It’s really left me feeling grateful… something I’ve been feeling a lot lately.
After all, my life has changed radically since I started my Efusjon Networking Business… when I started out, my dream was to make lots of wonderful new friends.
Well, I’ve done a bit better than that.
My social life has grown to be many times greater than I could ever imagine.
I now have amazing new friends who help turn my life into a super fun adventure.
And I’ve got this great Efusjon Networking Business where I’ll soon be able to help people from all over the world.
I think that Networkers like us are a saving grace…
I’m proud to say that I’ve helped many ‘new friends’ grow their Efusjon Matrix.
So yes, I’m grateful. Very grateful.
And that’s important - because I’ve learned that being grateful is one of the most critical life skills you can have.
Call it the “Discipline of Gratitude”
It’s just a matter of consciously taking time on a regular basis to acknowledge everything you have to be grateful for.
And trust me, we all have LOTS to be grateful for.
So here’s your Thanksgiving Exercise!
Please humor me on this… just take five minutes right now, and just reflect on everything that you’re grateful for…
This is even more powerful if you actually speak those things out loud. And it’s even better if you write them down.
Go ahead… take a few minutes and do it right now.
So how did that feel? Do you feel happier? Lighter? More alive?
This really is a wonderful exercise to do each morning when you wake, or at night when you go to bed.
But here’s the magic part - when you exercise the Discipline of Gratitude you will not only be happier… but you’re going to start to achieve more in your life.
Trust me, this is powerful stuff. I’ve experienced it over and over in my life.
It comes down to this: you can go through your life, wondering why things aren’t coming easier to you… or you can go through your life feeling grateful for all you have.
It’s your choice.
I’ve been around a LOT of Super-Successful People, and they pretty much all fall on that gratitude side of things.
If you want to achieve great things in your life the Discipline of Gratitude is one of the key life-skills you need to master.
The good news is that it’s also one of the easiest.
I’m grateful to have you in my life!
Have a happy and loving Thanksgiving!!!
Please pay it forward!!!
written by Shana
delivered by Catarina Toumei
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
What Makes Efusjon So Healthy?
1. Energy drinks are usually not healthy. They contain stimulants such as caffeine and sugar - not real energy!
2. Efusjon is a healthy drink that will give you REAL energy! But how?
3. It contains the Acai Berry - one of the strongest antioxidant fruits ever discovered.
4. The Acai Berry has an ORAC value (USDA established value that measures antioxidant capacity) of over 600, compared to an apple that has an ORAC value of 11.
5. Antioxidants are the “good” fighters of the “bad” free oxide-radicals.
6. Free Oxide-Radicals are in your bloodstream and cells and cause or contribute to the following: * decreased effectiveness of the immune system * wear and tear on cells, DNA and blood vessels * clogs arteries * slows metabolism * increases toxicity of the blood stream * increases inflammation
7. Antioxidants combat these free oxide-radicals and have been shown to help with the following: * stabilize blood sugar (D-Ribose) * lower cholesterol (Omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids) * strengthen cells protection system * defends against life’s stressors * supports the immune system * improves digestion * improves memory and concentration * enhances stamina
8. It basically helps detox our systems, which allow our bodies metabolism to function more efficiently with less toxins in our blood stream.
9. That is REAL energy that is also HEALTHY!
10. Bottom Line: Efusjon Raw is a great tasting energy drink without the harmful stimulants of it’s competitors.
11. We don’t make any specific health claims - just noting the known affects of antioxidants, which Efusjon has the best mix of, in addition to having B-Complex, Vitamins A, C and E, no caffeine, and only 60 calories!
Here is a link to an article about caffeine from the Mayo Clinic titled “Caffeine: How Much Is Too Much?”
Efusjon Raw has no caffeine, and is a great alternative to caffeine powered energy drinks. ~~~~~~~~~~~
The Energy Drink that Topples the Soda Pop Empire Hansa Center
by Dr. David Jernigan
Being the offspring of doctors, I think my children have felt that they have led a somewhat food deprived life. They were not allowed to eat junk food. When out with friends, the thing that tempted them the most was soda pop. Everyone it seems drinks pop of some type. It was “cruel and unusual punishment” for them to not be able to drink it.
I taught them the dangers of all that sugar with no nutritional value. They knew that in every 12 ounce can of pop was 11 teaspoons of refined white sugar. They knew that after a can of pop the white blood cells responded like an AIDS patient. They saw their great grandfather’s legs amputated due to diabetes. Yet, it didn’t make the temptation any easier, nor did it make my role as a “good father” any easier, especially when it is my nature to like to facilitate happiness in people.
Red Bull-type drinks flooded the market and it was an instant hit with the teenagers because of its instant kick of energy…but there is no nutritional value and contains just as much sugar. “It’s a sports drink!” my kids pleaded. Gatorade-type drinks are so devoid of nutritional value that you are paying mostly for water.
People have always asked me what my family drinks. The reality is quite boring…purified water, tea, herbal tea, and fresh fruit juice.
What is a parent to do?
I am here in a blatant advertisement of what seems to be a great solution! I am excited about Efusjon® Energy Drink. It comes in a sporty can like the Red Bull cans, but get this…it is loaded with antioxidants and actually contains real Food-form vitamins and nutrients from Acai berries and other juices! It is carbonated and comes either with or without caffeine, so finally families have a drink we all like!
Even my parents like to drink it now! When Dr. Samantha Joseph and I tested Efusjon using BioResonance Scanning™, we found it to be very beneficial for many of our patients. So beneficial that we now use the Efusjon to mask the bad taste of some of the medicines and remedies we recommend for patients!
If you are tired of drinking bland tea and water or are just bone tired and struggle to get through the day then join me in what I am calling “My Great Efusjon Energy Adventure!”
This is a drink you will like and so will your kids. I would definitely recommend it to any of your children’s sports teams…Mom’s you know you have to supply drinks for the team at least once in a while. Surprise your team next time with Efusjon® and they might just stop drinking poisonous pop! Your kids may actually have more energy and endurance instead of looking like they can’t take one more step towards the end of the game!
Dr. David Jernigan Hansa Center for Optimum Health KS
Friday, October 2, 2009
Darrell Catmull's "Mindset is Everything"
Whether you want to solve a problem, or fulfill a dream, or seek a full-time position, or to prosper like few do, become aware of your mindset, it’s everything. Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, explains four unique mindsets one can adopt; two will allow you to thrive in economic turmoil, those same two mindsets will give you financial peace that can last for generations. Kiyosaki has produced a very short video explaining these unique mindsets. Watch it at At issue is, the nature of our values. There’s no wrong or right value but what Kiyosaki shares with us is enlightening and may change your perception of earning money and developing lasting friendships.
A home based company either survives or dies as a consequence of their prevailing compensation plan, or their product, or both. Amway, NuSkin, and Avon are familiar household names in home based businesses. They have survived for two reasons: 1) they offer their customers a marketable, quality product; and 2) at key times and when necessary they reinvent themselves. A network marketing company’s longevity depends on whether or not they can reward all distributors, and not just the top percentile of the distributors who joined the company at or near inception. The turnover, averaging a whopping 97%, in many direct selling companies is largely attributable to the failure of the company's compensation plan. Some inceptive members thrive; most tailgate members tread water.
In this regard, a company's basic compensation plan is all important. Traditional matrix plans are so constrained, so unyielding, so inflexible that they are predictably doomed to failure. Negativity, taboo, avoidance, are common terms associated with such matrix plans. Companies that rely on such matrix plans never reach their potential. Eventually, they retract or collapse. Uni-level, stair-step breakaway, binary plans, however, are not devoid of disadvantages. These plans are riddled with complex rules and conditions. Like the Matrix the first tiers of members can be handsomely rewarded. This at the expense of the bottom tiers, who struggle to receive the remuneration they earned because of rules. And that is the rub. Take the simple matrix plan: A three-person by fifteen-level Matrix could theoretically reach the 15th level creating millions of distributors, yet it would collapse because there is no 16th level of the plan available to reward the bulk the members on higher levels. Other compensatory plans do not guarantee sufficient remuneration for hard, smart, industrious work above the norm; while still other plans become so encumbered with rules and conditions they prove impractical and ineffective. Thus, cynicism and regret creeps in, smothering initiative.
Still, the matrix method remains the most understandable of all the compensatory plans available to use. But the bottom line is the plan cannot endure. The only way the traditional matrix can succeed is by employing "one-half person", which, we all know, is impossible. Until now.
Keep it simple silly (KISS) is a truism that cannot be discounted. It inspires ingenuity that overcomes lack and adversity. Robert Towles, a veteran executive in the Fortune 500 corporate environment, an experienced network marketer, a devoted friend, husband and father, formulated a new matrix plan. This plan uses an overlap and carry-over algorithm that caps a matrix at 131,053 members from the top, at any point. Towle’s original Pay-It-Forward plan actually sits on a foundation of more than 15-million potential entrepreneurs who utilize the principle of his carry-over and community overlap. This means the distributors on the 15th level have the same potential as those on the top tier of the matrix. Because this carry-over and community overlap creates this massive foundation of entrepreneurs, it provides the same advantage for distributors at every stage, old and new. This has far-reaching implications. Towle’s plan has the capacity to rapidly create the largest distribution channel of its kind, second only to companies like Wal-Mart,, Amway and Nu-Skin. This plan as formulated by Towles is currently being implemented across the nation, and soon the world, by providing and distributing healthier energy drinks to supplement inadequate diets. This is eFusjon. Veteran and established networkers who recognize this power are wisely joining the club. Many don’t care that they have to surrender their current business others are complimenting their careers and other businesses with eFusjon.
The most striking aspects of the plan are its simplicity, and its reward system for building teams that support and help one another. It is destined for success for two simple reasons: 1) each member has the same opportunity to succeed and prosper regardless of which level they enter. 2) eFusjon is the first company of its kind to offer revolutionary online tools that include social media, viral websites, games that track and interact with social media users. And that’s just for starters. Members will get a commission when new products are introduced into the eFusjon Matrix too. With social media luminaries in charge of marketing and implementing the social media applications, eFusjon will grow rapidly helping current members build their team and increase their monthly income exponentially for long time.
To learn more about increasing and diversifying your income to solve a problem, or to fulfill a dream, or a full-time home based business position, or to prosper like few do – please visit today to see this pay-it-forward plan in action. If you’re an experienced network marketer, contact me for a private, invitation only, opportunity that deserves considerable attention now.
Darrell Catmull
Independent Distributor
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Catarina Toumei's "Do you know what your future looks like?"
Remember when you were young…when your mind and imagination was vividly active? When you visualized yourself soaring above the clouds like the birds, imagined yourself sailing on pirate ships through storms, or rescuing animals and people like a superhero?
What happened to that dreamer? Do you allow yourself to dream big dreams now that you are an adult? Or are your dreams held captive by societal expectations or a routine lifestyle, and off-limits?
Now that you have joined a club where five and six figure incomes per month are attainable, you have the opportunity to live your dreams. It is time to brush away all the years of corporate or government work, work where your income was limited and your chances of a ideal life were minimal – and strive for what you really desire.
“Your imagination is the preview to life’s coming attractions.”
- Albert Einstein
If there is something in your life that you want to change, dreaming will help you get there. Dreaming and imagining your perfect life is the first step to achieving that perfect life.
“Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon must inevitably come to pass.” -Paul Meyer
Your dreams have the power to propel you from where you are today, to where you desire to be tomorrow. The reasons behind this have to do with the power of the mind, having a driving force to motivate you, and positive thinking, among other things. So give yourself permission to use your imagination and dream big when it comes to your happiness and your future.
“If you clearly and vividly IMAGINE yourself in the first person doing, being, having the things and qualities you truly want...then you will be using positive imagination to begin a change to fulfilling that image.”
-Paul Meyer
Think about what you want out of life. Picture the perfect house, car, relationship, bank account, “toys,” or all of the above – whatever your dream is. Think about how you want to spend your time and what contribution you want to make to this world.
In order to achieve your desires more quickly, you must see, hear, feel, and experience them in your mind first. Take a few minutes to picture your perfect future in your mind. Bring all of your senses along with you when you dream – touch, feel, taste, smell and sound. What do you see when you visualize your perfect life? What is around you? What does the air feel like? What does it smell like? What sounds are there? And most importantly, how do you feel when you are in your perfect dream?
Remember that feeling of peace or joy or freedom that you have when you imagine a scene in your perfect future. Recall this feeling for a few moments every morning upon waking, and right before going to sleep at night. Many people believe it is emotional feeling that is the most important aspect in “visualizing” your future and achieving it more quickly.
One popular method for keeping your goals and dreams at the top of your mind is to create your own visual board. To create a visual board, gather pictures from magazines, newspapers or the internet that represent those things you most desire. Tack your favorite pictures on a cork board, tape them in a notebook, put them on your refrigerator, or even tape them to your car visor. Looking at those pictures daily will keep you motivated towards achieving your dreams. Most importantly, allow yourself to feel the emotions that you will experience when your dreams become a reality.
Visualize your dreams in your mind, and never stop dreaming!
“I have learned that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” -Henry David Thoreau
Now that you have defined your dream, it is time to go after it! If you want it enough, it can be yours!
Health and Wealth,
Catarina Toumei

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Margaret Kerdock, "A Beginner's Perspective"
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Saba Sweiss' "What Efusjon Is To Me"
Efusjon, thus far, has been an enlightening and beneficial experience. My positive view of this Club derives not only from the monetary reward that hard work and supporting one another creates, but also the array of people it has brought to my path. The valuable individuals in various professions have given me avenues of growth and understanding that I previously did not have access to. Efusjon has offered so much reward, that I consider it the stepping stone AND the destination. I am a strong believer that you get out of things, what you put into them. If you work and spread the word about efusjon, you will thrive with this company.
Have you ever closed your eyes and imagined having what you have always desired? Picture it…the cars, the house, the clothes, the “toys”, etc. Now imagine the conventional way of obtaining those luxuries…the hours, the labor, the bosses, the restraint, the rules, etc. You would have to live through these painful aspects on a daily basis and even then, only a small percentage will afford their desires.
How about you imagine your desired way of obtaining these luxuries? Let us dream a little…socializing, traveling if you choose, helping others reach their goals, and actually benefiting from the company that consumes your time. Who doesn’t want to believe in a product, be a part of a growing company, help others reach their goals, and have time for family and friends? Perhaps this all sounds like a dream but it is reality with this Club!
Work some and gain a lot…Residual income without the hassles, without the bosses, without the hours, and without the restrictions.
Believe, Become a Doer and Thrive with Efusjon and in your Life!
“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.”
-Anthony Robbins
Saba Sweiss
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
E-Mixology: Efusjon Cocktails
Fusion: Fuse energy and enjoyment!
Ingredients: limes, your favorite vodka, triple sec, ice, sweet & sour mix, and Efusjon RAW (acai berry) or EDGE (acai berry).
1. Fill the mixer with ¼ ice.
2. Cut ½ a lime into slices and put on top of the ice.
3. Place hand over the top of shaker and use the muddler to smash ice and limes together (about 15 seconds).
4. Combine: 1 oz. of vodka, ½ oz. triple sec, and 1 ½ oz. of RAW or EDGE.
5. Add a splash of sweet & sour mix.
6. Cover the shaker & shake. Note: when shaking you will have to pause and vent the air from the shaker since Efusjon is slightly carbonated. If you don’t you will have an Efusjon bomb! J
7. Pour into your favorite glass and enjoy!
Merge: For vodka lovers!
Ingredients: your favorite vodka, ice, and Efusjon RAW (acai berry), EDGE (acai berry) BREEZE (mangosteen), or DAWN (quercetin).
1. Pour 1 oz. of vodka in a tall glass filled with ice.
2. Add ½ can of RAW, EDGE, BREEZE or DAWN.
3. Enjoy!
Royal Rawtini: Sweet martini.
Ingredients: Chambord, Skyy Raspberry infused vodka, lemon, sugar (optional), ice (optional), and Efusjon RAW (acai berry).
1. Pour 4 oz. RAW, 1 oz. Chambord, and 1 oz. Skyy raspberry vodka into a martini glass.
2. Add a lemon twist.
3. If desired, add a sugar rim and ice.
4. Here’s to Efusjon!
Dali Llama: For the Peaceful.
Ingredients: your favorite rum, orange juice, ice, and Efusjon RAW (acai berry) or BREEZE (mangosteen).
1. Mix 2 parts rum and 1 part RAW or BREEZE over ice.
2. Add a splash of orange juice.
3. Take a sip and relax…
Red Beer: Susie’s Favorite.
Ingredients: your favorite beer, and Efusjon RAW (acai berry) or EDGE (acai berry).
1. Combine 2/3 beer to 1/3 RAW or EDGE, in an iced mug.
2. Cheers!
Passion-filled Champagne: Celebrate!
Ingredients: your favorite champagne, and Efusjon RAW (acai berry), EDGE (acai berry) or BREEZE (mangosteen).
1. Add 4oz. of champagne to 1 oz of Efusjon in a flute.
2. Celebrate!
Mélange: For wine lovers!
Ingredients: your favorite chardonnay wine, and Efusjon RAW (acai berry), EDGE (acai berry) or BREEZE (mangosteen).
1. Add 4 oz. of chardonnay wine to 1 oz. of your favorite energy drink.
2. Salute!
Purple Haze: For the adventurous!
Ingredients: Stoli blueberry vodka, triple sec, pineapple juice, ice, and Efusjon RAW (acai berry) or EDGE (acai berry).
1. Blend together: 1 part blueberry vodka, 2 parts RAW or EDGE, and 1 part triple sec.
2. Add a splash of pineapple juice.
3. Stir slightly.
To life!
Health and Wealth
Catarina Toumei

Catarina Toumei's "Do You Know What Your Future Looks Like?"
Remember when you were young…when your mind and imagination was vividly active? When you visualized yourself soaring above the clouds like the birds, imagined yourself sailing on pirate ships through storms, or rescuing animals and people like a superhero?
What happened to that dreamer? Do you allow yourself to dream big dreams now that you are an adult? Or are your dreams held captive by societal expectations or a routine lifestyle, and off-limits?
Now that you have joined a club where five and six figure incomes per month are attainable, you have the opportunity to live your dreams. It is time to brush away all the years of corporate or government work, work where your income was limited and your chances of a ideal life were minimal – and strive for what you really desire.
“Your imagination is the preview to life’s coming attractions.”
- Albert Einstein
If there is something in your life that you want to change, dreaming will help you get there. Dreaming and imagining your perfect life is the first step to achieving that perfect life.
“Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon must inevitably come to pass.” -Paul Meyer
Your dreams have the power to propel you from where you are today, to where you desire to be tomorrow. The reasons behind this have to do with the power of the mind, having a driving force to motivate you, and positive thinking, among other things. So give yourself permission to use your imagination and dream big when it comes to your happiness and your future.
“If you clearly and vividly IMAGINE yourself in the first person doing, being, having the things and qualities you truly want...then you will be using positive imagination to begin a change to fulfilling that image.”
-Paul Meyer
Think about what you want out of life. Picture the perfect house, car, relationship, bank account, “toys,” or all of the above – whatever your dream is. Think about how you want to spend your time and what contribution you want to make to this world.
In order to achieve your desires more quickly, you must see, hear, feel, and experience them in your mind first. Take a few minutes to picture your perfect future in your mind. Bring all of your senses along with you when you dream – touch, feel, taste, smell and sound. What do you see when you visualize your perfect life? What is around you? What does the air feel like? What does it smell like? What sounds are there? And most importantly, how do you feel when you are in your perfect dream?
Remember that feeling of peace or joy or freedom that you have when you imagine a scene in your perfect future. Recall this feeling for a few moments every morning upon waking, and right before going to sleep at night. Many people believe it is emotional feeling that is the most important aspect in “visualizing” your future and achieving it more quickly.
One popular method for keeping your goals and dreams at the top of your mind is to create your own visual board. To create a visual board, gather pictures from magazines, newspapers or the internet that represent those things you most desire. Tack your favorite pictures on a cork board, tape them in a notebook, put them on your refrigerator, or even tape them to your car visor. Looking at those pictures daily will keep you motivated towards achieving your dreams. Most importantly, allow yourself to feel the emotions that you will experience when your dreams become a reality.
Visualize your dreams in your mind, and never stop dreaming!
“I have learned that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” -Henry David Thoreau
Now that you have defined your dream, it is time to go after it! If you want it enough, it can be yours!
Health and Wealth,
Catarina Toumei
Monday, September 14, 2009
Dr. Bill M. Smith's Latest Efusjon Article
As a board certified Family Practice and Sports Medicine Physician for over 20 years, at the Olympic, professional, collegiate and high school level’s, I am required to constantly stay up to date with the use of performance enhancers, supplements and more recently the widespread use of energy drinks. The growing use of these energy drinks that contain excessive amounts of caffeine and sugar are causing tremendous concerns in the medical arena including emergency rooms and locker rooms. This concern is based on the negative affect it may have on the cardiac and nervous system. People understand the effect of ingesting too much caffeine and sugar, but don’t realize that is exactly what is happening with the ingestion of these drinks and the serious effects it may have on you.
Fortunately, I have discovered an exciting new product, Efusjon which is a natural alternative, providing real healthy energy without the negative side effects. We all live very busy and active lives and don’t always have the time to treat our bodies the way we should in order to maintain optimal health. Polluted air, junk foods, stress and disease states such as hypertension and diabetes as well as obesity, all lead to an increase in free oxide radicals in our blood stream. Research indicates that these free radicals are the “bad actors” in our system that lead to many unwanted medical conditions such as heart disease and cancer. Many good fruits and vegetables as well as some vitamins have good levels of antioxidants which are the “good actors” which act as “free oxide radical scavengers” to help fight off the bad affect of the free radicals. So we all need plenty of antioxidants in our system to help fight off these disease states and the affect it has on our immune system. Dr. Richard Cutler of the National Institute of Health says “the amount of antioxidants in your body is directly proportional to how long and he althy you will live”.
The EFUSJON ENERGY DRINK is a totally healthy drink which ingredients include the Acai Berry which has one of the highest antioxidant levels ever found. Most experts in this field of nutrition call this little berry found in Brazil, “the number one super food in the world”. Until recently there has been no way to capture the active ingredients after harvesting this fruit. Through a specialized processing method, the berry can now be harvested and still maintain one of the highest levels of antioxidation available. The drink also includes Omega Fatty Acids=2 0(3, 6, 9) the good fish oils, the B-Complex Vitamins, and Vitamins A, C, E, with Potassium, Calcium and Iron with no sodium or other preservatives. It contains 15 grams of Crystalline Fructose which is 98 % pure fructose (fruit sugar) which accounts for the 60 calories. It also contains D-ribose which is a highly acclaimed natural occurring substance that promotes energy production, muscle recovery and promotes cardiovascular health. This combination of healthy ingredients without the sugar and large amounts of caffeine that is loaded in most of the other sports energy drinks, makes this an outstanding way to provide you more daily energy and a healthier defense and recovery system.
In Good Health,
Bill Moore Smith, M.D.