Thursday, November 26, 2009

"Thanksgiving Gratitude" by Shana Carlsen

Thanksgiving Gratitude

It’s Thanksgiving and there’s something on my mind – and that’s GRATITUDE.

I have noticed a direct correlation between the amount of GRATITUDE I have during the day and how those days go.

I’ve also noticed that the more gratitude I have in my life, and the more I hang out with other people with lots of gratitude in their lives…

The better and more graceful my life is.

So with today being Thanksgiving couldn’t think of a better day to send this to you.

I know that I feel inspired reading it - and I think it might do the same thing for you…

Because I’m having an incredible day!

Filled with family and close friends, good food, lots of time spent hiking outdoors with our dogs, all the ingredients for my perfect day.

It’s really left me feeling grateful… something I’ve been feeling a lot lately.

After all, my life has changed radically since I started my Efusjon Networking Business… when I started out, my dream was to make lots of wonderful new friends.

Well, I’ve done a bit better than that.

My social life has grown to be many times greater than I could ever imagine.

I now have amazing new friends who help turn my life into a super fun adventure.

And I’ve got this great Efusjon Networking Business where I’ll soon be able to help people from all over the world.

I think that Networkers like us are a saving grace…

I’m proud to say that I’ve helped many ‘new friends’ grow their Efusjon Matrix.

So yes, I’m grateful. Very grateful.

And that’s important - because I’ve learned that being grateful is one of the most critical life skills you can have.

Call it the “Discipline of Gratitude”

It’s just a matter of consciously taking time on a regular basis to acknowledge everything you have to be grateful for.

And trust me, we all have LOTS to be grateful for.

So here’s your Thanksgiving Exercise!

Please humor me on this… just take five minutes right now, and just reflect on everything that you’re grateful for…

This is even more powerful if you actually speak those things out loud. And it’s even better if you write them down.

Go ahead… take a few minutes and do it right now.








So how did that feel? Do you feel happier? Lighter? More alive?

This really is a wonderful exercise to do each morning when you wake, or at night when you go to bed.

But here’s the magic part - when you exercise the Discipline of Gratitude you will not only be happier… but you’re going to start to achieve more in your life.

Trust me, this is powerful stuff. I’ve experienced it over and over in my life.

It comes down to this: you can go through your life, wondering why things aren’t coming easier to you… or you can go through your life feeling grateful for all you have.

It’s your choice.

I’ve been around a LOT of Super-Successful People, and they pretty much all fall on that gratitude side of things.

If you want to achieve great things in your life the Discipline of Gratitude is one of the key life-skills you need to master.

The good news is that it’s also one of the easiest.

I’m grateful to have you in my life!

Have a happy and loving Thanksgiving!!!

Please pay it forward!!!

written by Shana

delivered by Catarina Toumei

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